Shenzhen Poly Theatre

Now Shenzhen   |   August 26, 2021
Shenzhen Poly Theatre

Shenzhen Poly Theater is an architectural masterpiece and the pride of the city. It can hold all kinds of entertainment including: operas, plays, symphonies, ballets, concerts, lectures and the like.

Inside the Theater, more than 1,500 seats on three terraces and eight balconies overlook the 1,700-square-meter central stage. The acoustic reflector that covers the stage works with the canopy and walls to provide perfect sound effects. “The sound of tearing a piece of paper on the stage can be heard anywhere in the theater” said general manager Zeng Ruoming. In front of the stage is an orchestra pool that can be elevated during the performance of operas and musicals. The huge movable platform and several hundred computer-controlled lamps allow for the most dazzling stage effects. In front of the stage is an orchestra pool that can be elevated during the performance of operas and musicals. The huge movable platform and several hundred computer-controlled lamps allow for the most dazzling stage effects. There are a total of 17 dressing rooms backstage.

Place Description (Chinese/中文): 深圳保利剧院坐落于深圳市南山区文化商业中心,毗邻连接香港的深圳西部通道繁华地段,地理位置优越。剧院作为现代化综合甲等剧院,是一个高起点、高层次的文化综合体,能满足舞剧、歌剧、话剧、交响音乐会、戏曲及综艺汇演等演出使用要求,其建声效果达到建筑声学和舞台设备功能配置的国内顶级水准。 深圳保利剧院建筑面积15000平方米,拥有观众座席1500个(含升降乐池活动座席)。剧院还配套有包括观众入场前厅、休息厅、全机械化舞台、后台以及车库、设备机房等附属设施。观众入场前厅设于地面一层,剧院二、三层设有观众休息厅,与一层的大厅空间上下贯通。剧院的整个前厅和休息厅的外结构主要为玻璃幕墙,开敞通透,视野开阔,结合艺术品的布置点缀,将形成一个高雅、现代的艺术空间。舞台采用国际通用的品字形布置,分为主舞台,左右侧舞台和后舞台三个部分,舞台总面积为1747平方米,台口宽16米,高10米,舞台总进深40米,可充分满足各种大型演出的需要。 深圳保利剧院由中国保利集团投资兴建,是深圳保利文化广场的核心组成部分,将凭借其先进的设备设施,依托北京保利剧院管理公司先进的经营管理理念和成熟的专业化管理模式,成为深圳市文化市场中一颗璀璨的明珠。
Address & Contact
Address and contact information:
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 深圳保利剧院
Place Address (English/Pinyin): Shenzhen Poly Theatre, Houhaibin Road, Nanshan Distrect,Shenzhen
Website: Shenzhen Poly Theatre’s Website
Place Phone: +86(755)86371698
Email: [email protected]